The Apple Startup Set replaces the "Welcome to Mac OS" startup with the name and picture of your computer. There are two versions, StartupScreen (requires ResEdit) and SimpleScreen (easy to use). To learn more and decide which one you should use, read on.
StartupScreen or SimpleScreen?
StartupScreens and SimpleScreens are the two different types of screens. To find out which one is for you, answer these questions:
1. Do you know what ResEdit is and do you have it?
2. Can you and are you comfortable using ResEdit to edit your system?
3. Is that progress bar that appears at startup really that important and worth using ResEdit?
If you answered "Yes" to all of the above questions you want the StartupScreen, if you answered "No" to one or more the you should use the SimpleScreen. The only real difference between the two is the StartupScreen keeps the progress bar during startup. If you still aren't sure start with the SimpleScreen, which is more easily removed and see what you think. I have provided instructions below to install both the StartupScreen and the SimpleScreen. Also, if you have both versions installed, the SimpleScreens overwrites the StartupScreen.
What is an AboutScreen?
The AboutScreens require Mac OS 9. Unlike the Startup and SimpleScreens, they display the name and picture of your computer in "About This Computer" in the Apple Menu instead of when starting up. Installing an AboutScreen requires ResEdit, so I recommend that you are comfortable using it to modify your System. Also, you can only use one of the startups (StartupScreen or SimpleScreen) but you can use an AboutScreen in addition to either, or by itself.
How can I register The Apple Startup Set?╩
There are two methods of registering: Online and by using the Register application.
To register online, go to This is only for Credit Card owners. To register this way, just follow the instructions and complete all forms. If you want to pay by check, cash, money order, or another method, use the application (you can also use credit card with the application, it just isn't as easy). The Register application works as expected, you enter all of your information then you can email it or print it out and send it by mail or fax to the address below. If you have any questions, contact me at
1442-A Walnut Street #392-ZS5
Berkeley, CA 94709-1405
Fax: 1.510.652.6589
How much does The Apple Startup Set cost?╩
The Apple Startup Set is shareware. You can use it for free as long as you wish, but StartupScreens and SimpleScreens feature a unregistered if not registered. By registering you not only remove this logo, but are also helping to support The iMac iCenter and its cause, to help keep the Mac and its followers alive. Current Pricing for a Registered Version is as follows:
Single User License: $10
Site License: $100
To install a SimpleScreen:╩
1. Choose and select StartupScreen (SimpleScreen) file for your computer: iMac, iBook, Power Mac, or Power Book,etc. To use a screen for a computer not included in The Apple Startup Set, see the section "Requests" below.
2. Drag the StartupScreen (SimpleScreen) file to your System Folder.
3. Restart. Notice the new Startup Screen! Cool.
To install a StartupScreen:╩
1. Open the System folder in your hard drive.
2. Locate "System" and copy it. (Select Duplicate from the File menu)╩
3. Using ResEdit open the new "System copy".
4. Choose and open the clip picture file for your computer: iMac, iBook, Power Mac, or Power Book,etc. To use a screen for a computer not included in The Apple Startup Set, see the section "Requests" below.
5. Copy the image.
6. Back in the System copy open the PICT resource.╩
7. Select the resource called -16506 and open it.
8. Now paste the image.
9. Quit ResEdit.
10. Back in the System folder rename "System" to "System.1"
11. Rename "System copy" to "System"
12. Restart. Notice the new Startup Screen! Cool.
13. Back in the System folder locate "System.1". You may want to delete this file but doing this is not always wise. You may want to keep it for a while, making sure that everything is working. Just keep it somewhere other than the system folder (I keep mine in the Utilities folder).
To install an AboutScreen:╩
1. Open the System folder in your hard drive.
2. Locate "Finder" and copy it. (Select Duplicate from the File menu)╩
3. Using ResEdit open the new "Finder copy".
4. Choose and open the AboutScreen clip picture file for your computer: iMac, iBook, Power Mac, or Power Book,etc. To use a screen for a computer not included in The Apple Startup Set, see the section "Requests" below.
5. Copy the image.
6. Back in the Finder copy open the PICT resource.╩
7. Select the resource called 4000 and open it.
8. Now paste the image.
9. Quit ResEdit.
10. Back in the System folder rename "Finder" to "Finder.1"
11. Rename "Finder copy" to "Finder"
12. Restart. Back at the Desktop, slect "About This Computer' from the Apple Menu - Cool!
13. Back in the System folder locate "Finder.1". You may want to delete this file but doing this is not always wise. You may want to keep it for a while, making sure that everything is working. Just keep it somewhere other than the system folder (I keep mine in the Utilities folder).
To uninstall a SimpleScreen:╩
If you want to later go back to the standard startup screen, just remove the StartupScreen file from your System Folder. You can put a different one in its place too!
To uninstall a StartupScreen or AboutScreen:╩
If you want to later go back to the original screens, you can do one of two things.
1) Reinstall you're system software. Whenever you reinstall or install system software the currrent StartupScreen AND AboutScreen will be erased. That means hold on the Apple Startup Set or The iMac iCenter URL because if you ever upgrade to a new system or reinstall your system you will need to re-place your StartupScreen and AboutScreen.
2) Install one of the Standard Mac Startups (the one that matches your system) over the previous screen using the "To install a StartupScreen" or "To install an AboutScreen", depending on which you want to replace (you may also do both).
If you would like to use the screen of a computer not included in The Apple Startup Set you may request it. However, this service is only available to Registered users. To register, see the section "How can I register The Apple Startup Set?" above. The pricing for The Apple Startup Set is in the section "How much does The Apple Startup cost?", also above. Once you have received the Registered Version of The Apple Startup Set, you can submit a request. To do this, read the "Requests" section of The Registered "Instructions & Information". Thanks.
Please Note: There may also be some additional plug-in screens at The iMac iCenter ( You may want to check there first.
Version History:╩
Version 5.0 - The Apple Startup Set is now a $10 shareware program. You can try it out before you buy it, but the StartupScreens and SimpleScreens both have an unregistered logo until they are registered. To register see "How can I register The Apple Startup Set?" above. In addition to becoming shareware, all screens have been redrawn.
Version 4.5 - New icons, now avaliable to download from other domains besides the iMac iCenter. Also a few problems fixed with Mac OS 9, and other minor changes.
Version 4.0 - Added the new iMac DV Special Edition Set, added AboutScreens OS 9, other minor changes.
Version 3.0 - Added the new iMac DV StartupScreen and SimpleScreen, other minor changes.
Version 2.5 - Added 4 new computers, plus a different Bondi iMac, and other minor changes.
Version 2.0 - Added PM G4, Bondi iMac, PM G3 Beige, and Standard Mac; changed the readme file.
Version 1.0 - Initial Release.
Many icons used in The Apple Startup Set are created by by John Marstall of Perfect Yosemite Icons and used under license agreement. For a copy of this agreement contact The iMac iCenter ( For more of Perfect Yosemite's icons visit:
Perfect Yosemite Icons
Please Note:
I am not responsible if you computer has problems after using this product. This does not mean that these files will destroy your system (after all, I use them!) but in case something weird happens I am just telling you that it isn't my fault. I am, however, happy to answer questions or help you if a crash happens. Thanks for using my product and supporting The iMac iCenter!
Notice to Third Parties:
This software is shareware. The latest trial version can be downloaded from The iMac iCenter, You MAY include this package of startup replacements, fully intacked with readme, weblinks, etc. as found on The iMac iCenter (unregistered version only) in any product as long as you notify me and tell me where I can download/recieve a copy of the software that it was distributed with free of charge (full/registered version). If it can be sent to me via postal mail, thats alright also, e-mail me for my postal address. You can also contact me and get special permission to include part of the software in another product. Under the same terms, this software may be posted on a website with written agreement from Drew Hamlin before. You may not resell this software nor distribute the Registered Version. Any Questions? Contact me at Thanks again for your support!
-> Drew Hamlin, The iMac iCenter
Legal Statements: The iMac iCenter is in no way connected or part of Apple Computer, Inc. iMac, Apple, and others are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc ( The iMac iCenter, The Apple Startup Set, SimpleScreen and AboutScreen are trademarks of The iMac iCenter. This shareware product is ownership of Drew Hamlin. Any part of it can be recalled or modified at any time by the owner without the owner or The iMac iCenter being held at fault. This shareware is distributed "as is" and can only be changed by the owner. Any content written in this software and the readme including pricing is not valid unless this is the newest version of the software found at The iMac iCenter. Some pictures and icons used in The Apple Startup Set are courtesy of Apple Computer, Inc. Visit the iMac iCenter Online at